
FalconVPN Privacy Policy

  In the following policy, FalconVPN refers to the service offered by FalconVPN Technologies (the “Company” or “We”) through the website and the software provided through it (the “Service”). This Privacy Policy explains (i) what information we collect through your access and use of our Service, (ii) the use we make of such information, and (iii) the security level we provide for protecting such information. By visiting our website and using the Service, you agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy. Philosophy Our Company is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. It is our overriding policy to collect as little user information as possible to ensure a private and anonymous user experience when using the Service. Below is a summary of the way we deal with information when you use the Service. Use of Data FalconVPN DOES NOT Collect any user required data type Support When you submit support requests or bug reports, we will collect the data that you cho